Monday, July 1, 2013

My mission trip in turley oklahoma. day 1

I went on a mission trip to Turley  Oklahoma  for church since I am in team 45. Turley Oklahoma is a kind of poor place. we went there to do a vacation bible school for the kids there . the lesson was about David and Goliath how a little boy named David who took care of his sheep and how every once and awhile he would have to kill a lion or  a bear to save his sheep from getting eating . and one day his dad asked him to give food to his brothers who were fighting the Philistines so David  went to his brothers and on the way he heard  Goliath being mean to gods people and Goliath was challenging us to bring one  man to fight me and if  you win we well all be your slaves but if I win you all have to be my slaves. so nobody was volunteering so David said I well said David . Goliath started laughing then said your just a boy but fine I well fight you David brother said David how can you kill him your to young have you even killed anything . yes I have .I have to kill a lion or a bear  every once and awhile to save my sheep . well ok then at lest take my armor so he put it on . No it is to heavy I do not need it I have god with me in stead then what are you going to use to kill him god and a sling shot and five smooth stones so David waked over and got his sling shot put a rock in it then took it sling it then throw it. It hit Goliath right in the middle of his forehead then he fell straight on his face, and we even made our own sling shot out of a half cup and a balloon . I meet this girl named Raven she wrote this amazing poem, hope you like it

Through the gray night sky, the wind blows through the grass, while people sleep and all the scary things you see are just bad dreams. -Raven, 7 yrs. old 
 Shopgirl's ( younger) sister: SuperGirl

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